Things to Look for In a Family Law Attorney

, by Bruce Blumberg

Family law attorneys are your resource for a number of highly personal events in your life. Examples of family law services include adoption, child support, divorce, guardianship, marriage and more. At Blumberg & Associates, we understand the family law attorney selection is one that you don’t take lightly. Here are some key elements we recommend looking for to ensure you find a quality attorney who can meet your needs.


When it comes to family law, an experienced and knowledgeable practice is a must to ensure you select a practice that is aware of the laws related to your legal needs. Blumberg & Associates has more than 30 years litigation experience. We have proudly served clients in a variety of cases in courtrooms throughout the state of Arizona.

What goes along with experience is expertise. When you have a family law issue, choosing a lawyer for whom family law is a small part of his or her practice often does not lend the level of expertise that you need.

Flexible Schedules

The nature of family law is such that you may need to meet with your attorney after standard business hours. You also may find you need to bring your child with you to a meeting. We are flexible with these and many other scenarios that can occur related to your scheduling.

In addition to scheduling considerations, it’s important that your lawyer provides you the resources to make and keep appointments. This includes technology, equipment, and friendly staff that makes going to each appointment as convenient as possible.


Dealing with the delicate matters that are often involved with family law requires the utmost level of professionalism.

When you are interviewing potential lawyers, think about how they come across. Some questions to ask yourself include:

  • Does the person dress and speak in a professional manner?

  • Do they seem to represent your values?

  • Could they serve as a representative of your concerns and family?

If the answer is no, this family lawyer is likely not the best option for your case. Your family lawyer should always be courteous to you and your family. The law firm is ultimately providing a service. You should feel valued as a client and treated with an utmost level of professionalism.